Thursday, 19 March 2009

GlassFish ESB Netbeans Server Starting Issue

Been having a few issue while doing the OpenESB  tutorials in that the GlashFish server doesn't connect up in Netbeans.


On the Server's tab in NetBeans you right click start on GlashFish V2, it starts up in the Glassfish Log but you get a time out and the GUI displays the server as not started.  You can also go to the Admin console on http://localhost:4848 and everything looks fine and dandy.

Solution or at least the solution I found:

I seem to have a wierd setup where I mapped localhost to a MS Loopback Adaptor address, however when you ping this in cmd you still get the IP loopback address of  I came to the conclusion that the server is taking the IP and netbeans is resolving it to the MS Loopback address, so I change my host file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts so that localhost is mapped back to the 127.0.01 IP loopback address.  Hey presto it now seems to work fine.


fkieviet said...

Hi Paul, did you post this problem to the OpenESB users mailinglist?

jasonb said...

Hi Paul,

Its also possible to extend the timeout in the properties section of glassfish in there services tab.

Actually I always start glassfish from the cmd line (asadmin start-domain domain1). That way, if there is a netbeans crash or you need to restart it, you don´t have to restart the appserver.
